
Sail and Oar Dinghy -  The meeting place for UK Morbic Owners.

Version 11//3/25

"Raiding" - 2025 Dates (updated 11/3/25)

CAPSIZE TESTS - Report is in "Events (Past)".

This site - is a focused repository for Morbic-related information
to be enjoyed and employed by all UK Morbic builders, owners and lovers.
Are you a UK Morbic owner who's not yet joined us? - Find out about The Forum .

"a fantastic resource." - (ML. 2021). ~ ".. it is so informative" - (CW. 2021)
"The chance to benefit from other peoples experience is pure gold" (LK. 2025)

The Morbic 12 is one of many fine designs by French naval architect Francois Vivier.
He says; "More than 120 Morbic-12 have been built" - In UK around 15 are afloat, and others are in build.

"The Morbic is one of the loveliest boats I've owned and sailed" (DP 12/2/22)
"the best small boat I've ever had the pleasure of owning" (MW 17/11/22)
"delighted .. the Morbic coped very well with the range of conditions .. good turn of speed .. felt secure in the gusts" (DA 18/6/24)
Click here to view this picture clearly and see what Morbics look like, or see "Events (Past)"

Morbic builders know:-
(i) "You can never have too many clamps!"
(ii)"A man builds the best of himself into a boat..." (Steinbeck 1941)

"I must go down ..." - "Sea Fever" (Read by John Masefield).

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About The Forum.

Version 21/1/25


The Forum is our "Virtual Meeting Place" with public and "Members Only" sections.
Share Morbic-related information, questions, answers, opinions and ideas.

Most UK Morbic owners have registered and enjoy the benefits - It's free!

Already registered (or want to look around)? - "Set course To The MyMorbic Forum!"

To Register see Registration instructions.
Problems? Snags, Difficulties? Errors? - Please let us know.

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Known UK Morbics. + UK Forum Members + Aprox locations.
Please help us resolve gaps & errors
- Contact Webmaster.

Version 10/3/25

Legend Rig. L=Lug. SL=Sloop-Lug. Dual=Both SL+L. Yellow highlight = Awaiting data.
  23 = Possible current total UK Morbics. Green highlight = afloat 15? Oct 2023.
  Builder. AD = Adrian Donovan. S = Self AJ = kit from Alec Jordan
Rig type UK #?

Start - End

Launch date. Other

Base / Sailing area Owner, Crew
Plan / Sail No. MO12- Notes Forum
  L 1 S Status/Location unknown DP Sold in Nov? '21 Not known 21 Kit = AJ. ex
  ? 2   Status/Location unknown   (Paul G)? 25   .
Cadfael L 3 AD 2016? Sailing East coast. Andy N (2nd owner) 32 Kit = AJ.< Y
"Morbic" L 4 S 2012-13 5mths March 2013 Woodbridge? Julian T 43 Kit = AJ. .
TBC L 5 S (Build stalled) Calstock, R. Tamar

Peter B

47 Kit = AJ. .

Can you shed any light on this?

Swefn Dual 7 AD Aug '16 Chichester Harbour Mike & Sarah Curtis 32.2? Kit = AJ. Y
Boudicca L 8 S. Jul'17-Oct'18 Jul '18 South coast. John S 82 AJ May'17 Y
Morwenna L 9 S.Feb'19-May'21 Aug '21 Sussex. David N 92 AJ Nov'18 Y
Sistership L 10 S. Oct'18-May'21 May '21 Chichester Harbour Graham Neil 93 AJ Oct'18 Y
    11 Not started Sailing other craft at the moment Worcester/Avon Graham P 95 Currently only has the plans Y
Proteus Dual 12 S. 7/3/20 - 9/20 9/9/20. S Oxon. + "Raiding" PaulW & RobinP 108 Kit. AJ 6/3/20. "10th" Y & Y
Half Moon L 13 S. 03/19 - 09/23 Sept '23 Guildford + N.Wales Paul B 109 Building from plan. Not kit. Y
Alice Dual? 14 S. 9/6-20/9/20 Launched (Date?) Lancashire Peter Hutchings 110 Kit = AJ. (May'20) Y
Highcroft L 15 S. 09/20 - 7/21 10/7/21 N Lon / Welsh Harp Marc Lien 112 Built from plan. Not kit. Y
Aura L? 16 S. 10/20 - 7/21 7/7/21 W Oxon Peter Taylor 113 AJ 22ndOct. (11 in UK)? MDF Y
Andouillette Dual 17 S. 11/20 - 4/21

4/4/21 (Now in France)

(xTeignmouth) Jon D 117 Kit = AJ "12th". (Ply girder not MDF) Y
    18 S. Not started? . Exeter Sam D 119   Y
TBC SL 19? Started 05/22? In build March 2024 Langstone Harbour Marc S 146 Kit = AJ. (14th in UK) Y
    20? S? Not started . Chichester Harbour Colin C 149   Y
Olive L 21? S. 10/23 - 10/24 27/10/24 Bournemouth Neil P 175 Kit (Self-cut C.N.C.)! Y
WIllow L 22? S Started Oct '23 Spring? 2024 Chichester Mike W 176 Kit (Friend-cut C.N.C.) Y
Alex L 23? S Started Nov '23 6/6/2024 Linlithgow David A 180 Kit = AJ. (15th in UK) Y
    TBC       Daryl F TBC "Received templates" Y
    24?   Bought kit Nov 2023 Dell Quay Chichester Jools W TBC Kit = AJ. (16th in UK) Y
Maybe other buyers of plans 2023 & 2024 No AJ Kits sold in 2024  
Vole TBC 25? TBC

Kit received Feb '25

Helston Bob C 191 Kit = AJ. (17th in UK) Y

Other Morbic lovers are in touch by mail &/or the Forum.

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Future Events - General - - Morbic-Specific - - - Past Events.


Future Events.

Version 15/11/23

For MAJOR EVENTS and ORGANISATIONS which are not Morbic-specific see "Raiding" .

Includes - Brixham, Ostende, Caledonia, Falmouth, SeaFairHaven, Moushole, Douarnenez, Raid Extreme, Dorestad Raid, Semaine du Golfe du Morbihan, Brest, Dinghy Cruising Association, Old Gaffers Association, UK Home-Built Rally, Natuurlijk Varen, Federation Voile Aviron, Naviguer Autrement, ... , ...

UK Morbic-focussed - FUTURE EVENTS:-

Version 10/1/25

"Sail the North Circular" - Spring 2025? Details and discussion on the Forum.

Please suggest types of event you'd like to attend, to organise. Approx dates, possible venues, etc.

Spontaneous Morbic gatherings.

Just contact Morbic lovers to agree ad hoc cruising-in-company.
E.g. by phone, the Members-Only section of the Forum, or contact Webmaster.
Details according to consensus.

Map of potential future venues, and Morbic Owners' locations . Last updated Feb '24

List of potential Morbic-worthy UK venues
From Mike C
1) The Camping and Caravan Club has a Boating Group for members. Meets across the country, open and friendly, all types of craft. If a vessel floats with a crew of one or more it qualifies.
2) The Old Gaffers Association has a few events suitable for small boats and is mostly welcoming of visitors in traditional craft, both ancient and modern.
3) Clywedog Sailing Club, on a reservoir in mid Wales, welcomes visiting camping sailors in small groups or as individuals. Use of clubhouse, interesting winds as a thousand feet up in the mountains.
4) Barton Turf Outdoor Centre on the Broads welcomes large camping groups. Pontoon mooring with access to Barton Broad and River Ant.
5) Bureside Camping Site on the Broads has its own slipway. Access to River Bure which is one of the best sailing rivers. Commercial site open to all.
6) Rutland Water offers great sailing. Basic camp site by the sailing club. Weekly membership available with excellent facilities. Sailing club website. Rutland Water camping.
7) Redcliffe Camping near Wareham has a slipway to the River Frome with access to Pool Harbour about one and a half miles downstream.

Ardingly. Reservoir, 100 acres?
Bewl Water. Reservoir, 700 acres
Burfield SC. Lake 200 acres?
Reading SC. 60 acre lake with island, mature trees around, decent clubhouse. - Two Morbic Members here! Visitors welcome.
Wier Wood SC.

Severn and Avon, Worcester, Pershore, Stratford (described here for skiffers)

We would like to hear of others suitable for group or individual use.

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Version 30/11/24

The first UK Morbic Meet - Chichester - October 2020.
Detailed account of The Mighty Morbic Massive . . (Thanks to John S)

2nd UK Morbic Meet . Clywedog - Report . . . And 3-minute Video. A few folk provided pics - Thank you.

3rd UK Morbic Meet . OGA Dart Rally and Ditsum Regatta 2022 - Report .

4th UK Morbic Meet . April 2023. Monday 17th. No report at the moment.
Another 2023 Morbic Meet .August 2023. OGA Dart Rally and Ditsum Regatta. Report.
November 2024 . Morbic Capsize Party . SIX Morbics attended! . Report.
Raid-like events, hosted by others, attended by UK Morbics, are in "Raiding".
Expeditions and events attended by "Proteus" are in "Proteus" - Sailing.



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For your Morbic-related questions, editorial, pictures, suggestions for improvement, etc.
Either do it through The MyMorbic Forum.
Or use the text below in your em@iler


(Sorry - Done this way to reduce nuisance - OK?)

Do you know the message in the flags?

Ignore this mini-text - [Spampoison removed]

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External Links - We take no responsibility for the content of offsite links

Version 20/4/23

Morbic-related links, eg:-
UK Morbic Owners’ forum. >>>
Alec Jordan – UK Kit supplier. >>>
Francois Vivier – Designer >>>
Adrian Donovan - Boat Builder.
Lug Rig Setup Much useful material on Michael Storer website + Really Simple Sails
Watercraft” magazine features Morbic 12 in two consecutive editions - Nov/Dec '20 & Jan/Feb '21.>>>
Martin Chambers. (WA). Morbic 12 Blog.
Small Boats Magazine. July '21..

Suppliers recommended by Morbic Builders - See discussion on the Forum.
Sails James Lawrence Sailmakers
Timber merchants - .London PO Joyce.. Wiltshire Tyler Hardwoods..
Chandlery + Components, of all sorts. Classic Marine..
Stainless and bronze fixings & fasteners. Seaware.
Hand stitcher ideal for heavy materials - Speedy Stitcher -.Obtainable via UK outlets.
Others, - To be added soon - Epoxy . Paints, etc . Trailers . Covers . Sails . Oars.

Non-Morbic Nautical Links,
Many more links relating Raiding and Festivals on our Raiding and Festivals page, including: Dinghy Cruising Association - Natuuralijk Varen - UKHBBR - Semaine de Golfe (Morbihan) - SeaFairHaven - ... ... ..

Weather, - To be added soon.
Tides - TidesChart (Worldwide).
UK navigable waterways, - To be added soon (x THW)

Sea Rowing groups.
Rowing for Pleasure - Blog by Chris Partridge.
Langstone Cutters - Fixed seat rowing. Langstone & Chichester harbours.

GPS - Charts - Harbours
OsmAnd - Possibly the best offline GPS navigator available. Shorebased & Nautical modes. (& on Wiki')
Brouter - Extends the above and gives special options. Bike oriented, with a nautical option.
Brouter-Web - PC based app. Part of the above - River, canal and ashore distance calculator.
Visit My Harbour. Free access to harbour charts + Marine Navigator. Good value for money "Buy and Keep". "Fully functional chartplotter app".
Navionics. Nautical nav app for your mobile. Hardware if you want it.
If any of the above apps don't work for you, let me know.

Expedition-Planning - 22,000 slipways UK & International.
CanalPlan - Waterways route planner - mainly UK & Europe.
BoatLaunch - Launching sites, mainly UK & Europe.
Wilderness - Aimed at canal boats? Similar to above. Fewer but possibly works better?
Brouter-Web - River & canal distance calculator.

RNLI - Lifeboats
Reading Sailing Club - 60 acre lake near Sonning. - RSC Floodwatch (Beta)
Reading Offshore Sailing Club - Illustrated talks, monthly wintertime, + sailing events.
Colin Henwood - Classic boat craftsman.
KathyMansfieldPhotos - (contributes to Watercraft).
Sailing Racing Rules 2021 - 24 + Updates. RRS Forum.
Android App - Sailing Right of Way (by “Top Gallant” / Sharpitor) - Learn and practice the two paramount “give way” rules for sailing.

Stan Hugill. A tribute to "The last shantyman".100th anniversary. "When no Shanteyman is left to sing, our whole world will have gone completely to the dogs". And links to his material.

Feel free to make suggestions.
Forum and website technical assistance provided by Nick W of

ForumT .. WatercraftNov20.JordanBoatsLogo .FrancoisVivier . . . .
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"The Chart" - Site Map and Searcher.

Version 1/2/24

Main areas of this website Site Lookiing for something?Search
search tips advanced search
search engine by freefind
Other areas
  • Stan Hugill's 100th anniversary November 2006. A tribute to "The last shantyman".100th anniversary. With links to his material. - . Why?
    Stan was a sailor, broadcaster, artist, author, and friend. "When no Shanteyman is left to sing, our whole world will have gone completely to the dogs".
  • Raiding, What is it? Who does it? Where? Can I do it? & more.
  • Soft Shackles.
  • Other sites by the author.

    Enough for the moment - Want more? - Want it done differently? - Let us know.

    To be added / updated - Maybe - One day! - I'd rather be sailing
  • Weather . Link currently disabled. - To be added - one day!.
  • KNOTS Which knots to learn first. - How to learn them + Collected knotty links.- To be added, one day!.
  • TIDE DATA ...- To be added, soon!.

    As other nooks & crannies evolve they will be added.
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If your copyright has been breached it is unintentional. Please let us know. We will react promptly..
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Much technical assistance provided by Nick of