Clywedog - 6th - 9th August 2021
(3-minute video by PW with impressions of the event)
You will not find the “R . . .” word here, though the weather was mainly … , er… , “Welsh”.
Towing through Llanidlois, the nearest town to Clywedog, you are 170m above sea level. The 6-mile approach road then climbs to 400m, with brief views of the Clywedog dam, and passes conveniently close to Caffi Clywedog (visited by some during the weekend).

Clywedog reservoir - Dam to right
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At last you descend by single-track lane to the club and the lake. At 280m above sea level it is said to be the highest navigable water in Britain!

Clywedog Sailing Club (GargleImage)
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Getting there was not the only challenge of this weekend – Water presented two more; not the level of the lake but a bountiful trickling from the sky, and a limited supply in the clubhouse – adequate to flush toilets but insufficient for showering.

Morbics line up with a Goat
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In conjunction with Clywedog Sailling Club, Mike Stevens, founder member and leader of the OGA’s Trailer Section, had invited us to sail, so sail we did. No organised activities, just free-sailing fun, dodging the showers when possible. Dodging also the fishermen in their boats, some of whom were vocally unwelcoming as we sailed silently past, yet uncritical of their own kind who frequently noisily motored from place to place. Unfathomable folk!
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Left = Happy sailing . . . . Centre = CSC in background . . . . Right Morbic "Proteus" track.
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When not sailing, OGA members, having been covidly-isolated for several months, were keen to socialise under a canopy amongst the caravans, or in the warmth of the clubhouse. A brazier granted an impression of comfort for hardy musicians and singers gathered outside.

Musicians, Singers, Brazier
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Facilities at CSC include; plenty of parking for cars, caravans and boats; camping spaces; a wide and smooth slipway; a useful pontoon with plenty of cleats, and a respectable clubhouse with fine views of the reservoir. What more could one want?
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Left = Morbics and a sense of the broad slipway. . . Right = Fine pontoon.
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A few sailors slunk off on Saturday evening, and more during Sunday.
Hardy participants who persevered till Monday were rewarded by sunshine and fair winds, enabling an excellent conclusion to the weekend.

Sunny Monday! - Peter samples "Proteus"
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“Hafen”, Peter T
“Andouillette”, Jon D
“Highcroft”, Marc L
“Proteus”, Robin P & Paul W
“Swefn”, Mike & Sarah C
+ Goat Island Skiff “Heidrun”, Steve M
+ a miscellany of OGA craft.
Images - Full resolution available on request
3-minute video by PW with impressions of the event |